Privacy news

7 mins

Data for dollars: Beware of cash-incentive deals

Would you sell your data to a retailer? That’s essentially what’s going on when a company offers you money or discounts just for registering an account.
Google logo crushed under gavel.
10 mins

Explainer: Google settles class-action lawsuit over Incognito mode

Chrome’s Incognito mode doesn’t prevent Google from tracking you—and users sued over it. Here are the terms Google agreed to in a settlement.
10 mins

What is Incognito mode, and is it safe?

Even in Incognito mode, your privacy is not guaranteed—as highlighted by recently settled lawsuit against Google.
6 mins

SSH vs. VPN: Which is better?

Both provide a secure, encrypted connection—but SSH is more limiting.
12 mins

Are age verification laws in the U.S. a threat to digital freedom?

Some states are requiring ID to access adult content online. Here’s why it’s a problem.
11 mins

Will deceased accounts on social media outnumber the living?

Social media accounts belonging to deceased people are set to outnumber living populations.
35 mins

App-roval: The best and worst apps for user privacy and safety

DuckDuckGo is considered one of the best apps for security and privacy, while free gaming apps are the most problematic.
10 mins

12 sci-fi technologies that became a reality

Are sci-fi writers the prophets of the tech world?
10 mins

How to recover a hacked WhatsApp account

And how to avoid getting hacked.
URL phishing
9 mins

What is URL phishing?

Find out the different ways an attacker could trick you into visiting a fake website.

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