Marcus Tsui

Hi, you've reached Marcus. Dial '1' for privacy, '2' for point and click adventure games, and '3' for paranormal stories. For all other enquiries, please stay on the line and he'll be with you shortly.

125 Posts
4700 Claps
Transparent window with magnifying glass.
Video post
2 mins
Video: What does your ISP know about you?
With an unencrypted connection, your internet service provider can learn a lot about you including the sites you visit and the apps you use.
Smartphone in life vest.
4 mins
Apps that can save your life
What if your phone could save your life? We’ve curated a selection of apps that could enhance your safety or help you survive an emergency or crisis.
Emergency warning sign USB.
5 mins
Survival tip: Digitize emergency records on USB
You might have important documents locked somewhere safe. Creating digital versions is just as important—and USB sticks keep them compact and portable.
Various Spider-Man movie logos.
7 mins
What is the Marvel Cinematic Multiverse?
Marvel movies might confuse you enough—but what if separate universes overlap? We break down the various franchises that have come about.
Gaming D-Pad with renewal symbols.
9 mins
14 best (and worst) classic game reboots
Our list includes game franchises like Mario, Donkey Kong, Bomberman, and Doom.
Various types of banned media.
6 mins
Strangest examples of modern media censorship
Despite the best intentions, censorship decisions can sometimes be baffling. Check out our list of strangest reasons for banning books, movies, and games.
Shield, padlock, and question mark.
1 min
Quiz: Test your privacy knowledge!
Are you on top of the latest privacy news and issues? Take our quiz to find out. You might learn something along the way.
Film reel on the horizon of a matrix grid.
11 mins
11 best movies about the metaverse
Before you leap into an actual metaverse someday, check out our picks for top films about these cutting-edge virtual realities!
Router with a padlock.
Video post
2 mins
Video: What are the risks of an unsecured router?
You use your home’s Wi-Fi router every day for everything from streaming to banking. So it’s important to make sure it’s secure.
Two film reels connected by an equals sign.
4 mins
Our foreign Netflix picks, based on your favorite shows
Looking to binge something familiar but a little different? Try these foreign series recommendations!

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